Spring skiing and new Turks – September 2023
A purposeful annual meeting. Installing a toilet at Bracken Saddle on the Mahu Whenua Covenant
Annual meeting
Back in June, when we were all optimistic of an amazing winter, the club had its annual meeting. A group of about 25 walked up to Bracken Saddle and installed one of the 5 toilets the club built for the Mahu Whenu Covenants as part of our commitment to the conservation project. We then retired to the "Fork and Tap" to review the club finance over beer and pizza. It was a great day, with a sense of doing something of value, meeting new people and reviewing the state of the club..
A brief summary of the state of the club:
We are in good health. The Turks are in good condition with no major maintenance issues.
There is a steady and manageable growth in club membership.
The bank account is healthy with $100k tucked away.
The Turk usage fees ($20 per night) are covering the...